Saturday, January 14, 2012

the learning process.

I've been aching to write about a weekend from December. Eddie & I went to Redondo Beach. It was such an amazing weekend. Filled with beautiful views, great food, alone time with my husband & the highlight of the weekend was getting to visit a friend of mine named Tory. She's a film photographer there in Redondo. You can find her blog here, I just love her & her work! She also co-writes with another awesomely talented friend of mine Wendy on the Let The Kids blog! They are both Amazingly talented women & inspire me in so so many ways!!!!

I was really excited for our weekend. It was the perfect opportunity for Tory & I to shoot our cameras together. She had an engagement session & the couple was as cute as can be! I mean, I was super stoked. I had got all my camera gear together & was soooo ready! Or so I thought...

Let's just say when it came to my cameras that weekend.  Total FAIL. Ha! I mean, I knew my Mamiya had been giving me some issues at the time but I had no idea how bad my camera would be "not working" soon. By the day of the shoot with Tory. My camera was completely useless. I had wasted so many rolls of film making sure it wasn't something "I" was doing. But ya, It was a total no go. I totally wanted to cry! Didn't of course. (Just imagine me laying on the ground balling my eyes out on the beach with three grown people above starring at me) <--That would have been funny! Um, not so much. You know, I'm a big girl;) & I just threw a little hissy fit. LOL. Just did what I could & watched Tory work her magic-still completely scatterbrained of course (because you know all I could think about was "WHY, WHY??!!") LOL. 
But to break it down, it ended up being this Amazing day where my friend rocked it & I got to be a part of it. I gotta say, even though I ended up having no photos from the shoot I would not have changed a thing! I mean, honestly. I'm a woman of experiences. It's like, If I don't experience something, I don't learn. I'm kinda happily blessed & cursed in this way. I'm pretty sure if my camera wouldn't have died on me I wouldn't have learned a bunch of other stuff I hadn't quite been aware of beforehand. You know, odds & ends stuff. It forced me to really learn my camera & It makes me want to shoot it more. 

So, I'm happy to say my Mamiya is in the shop as we speak. I'm looking forward to having her back & in great working order. Hopefully it won't be too long...


Brittany said...

you have such lovely photos here! i love film anything!

Nikki Martinez said...

Thanks Brittany:) Me too!!!

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